[spsp-members] Philosophy in Biology and Medicine 2022 – Registration Open

Fuller, Jonathan Patrick James JPF53 at pitt.edu
Tue Aug 16 20:33:10 UTC 2022

Registration is now open for the third meeting of the Philosophy in Biology and Medicine (PhilInBioMed) international network. The meeting will be held on November 13 and 14, 2022 at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown in Pittsburgh, USA. This hotel is also the venue for the 2022 Philosophy of Science Association Meeting, and the PhilInBioMed conference will begin shortly after that meeting concludes.

The PhilInBioMed Network is an international group of philosophers and scientists
advancing philosophy in biology and medicine by using philosophical tools to contribute to science. The meeting will include research presentations from philosophers and scientists, including a number of joint philosopher-scientist presentations.

Event details are found on the conference website:

Registration is free but required:

Attendees may book a room at the Wyndham using the PSA discount hotel booking website, which is accessible through the PSA Meeting page:

Contact: Jonathan Fuller (JPF53 at pitt.edu<mailto:JPF53 at pitt.edu>) and Lucie Laplane (lucie.laplane at univ-paris1.fr<mailto:lucie.laplane at univ-paris1.fr>).

We hope to see you in Pittsburgh!

-The PhilInBioMed 2022 Meeting Organizers
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