[spsp-members] PhilInBioMed Summer School, Bordeaux, Extended Call for applications

Thomas Pradeu thomas.pradeu.list at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 20:25:05 UTC 2023

Dear friends and colleagues,

The PhilinBioMed network <https://www.philinbiomed.org/>, the University of
Bordeaux, the CNRS and Bordeaux Summer Schools, are pleased to announce the
launch of the 2023 edition of the *Philosophy in Biology and Medicine
Summer School* (https://bss-philinbiomed.u-bordeaux.fr/en/).

Taking place in the historic city center of Bordeaux, France, from *June
12th to June 16th, 2023*, it welcomes Master students, PhD students, and
postdocs, from the fields of philosophy, life sciences, and medicine.
Participants will learn to use interdisciplinary methods to address
conceptual issues in scientific research.

The Summer School starts with a lecture by *Elliott Sober *(University of
Wisconsin), laureate of the 2023 PhilInBioMed Award. Discussants are *Kevin
Lala (formerly Laland), Ford Doolittle, *and *Silvia De Monte*.

Course leaders will be present throughout the week providing examples of
interdisciplinary research based on their own experience, as well as
interacting and advising participants on their projects. Course leaders
include* Silvia De Monte *(Evolutionary Biology, ENS Paris),* Andy
Ewald* (Medicine,
Johns Hopkins), *Lucie Laplane *(Philosophy, IHPST Paris & Gustave
Roussy), and *Lauren Ross *(Philosophy, UC Irvine), along with local

The deadline for registration has been extended to *April 11th, 2023.* The
fees are €500 for Master students and PhD students, and €700 for postdocs.
(The fees include lunch, coffee breaks and accommodation).

A limited number of supporting grants will be available upon demand.

If you are interested, please visit the webpage mentioned above.


Thomas Pradeu
CNRS Research Director in Philosophy of Science
Immunology Unit ImmunoConcEpT, UMR5164, CNRS & University of Bordeaux
Team Leader Conceptual Biology and Medicine Team
Coordinator of the Philosophy in Biology and Medicine Network
<https://www.philinbiomed.org/> (PhilInBioMed)
146 rue Leo Saignat 33076 Bordeaux, France
& Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
<https://www.ihpst.cnrs.fr/en> Pantheon-Sorbonne University 13 rue du
Four, 75006 Paris, France
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