[spsp-members] Bonn History and Philosophy of Physics Research Seminar - summer 2023

Juliusz Doboszewski jdoboszewski at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 16:39:16 UTC 2023

Dear all,

[with apologies for cross-posting]

The Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics at the
University of Bonn [ https://www.history-and-philosophy-of-physics.com/ ]
invites everyone to the Bonn History and Philosophy of Physics Research
Seminar. The schedule for the summer term includes the following speakers:

18 April Sam Fletcher (Minnesota/Bonn) The Definition of Spacetime
Singularities, revisited
25 April Henrique Gomes (Oxford) A comparison of gravitational and
electromagnetic radiative energy
2 May Huw Price (Bonn) Why entanglement?
16 May Miklos Redei (LSE) Philosophical qualities of science in Robert
Musil’s 'Man without qualities'
23 May Noah Stemeroff (Bonn) Pauli on Plato (tbc)
13 June Gregor Schiemann (Wuppertal) The proximity and remoteness of cosmic
20 June Juliusz Doboszewski (Bonn) Eliminative reasoning and the many
parametrizations of black holes
27 June Jamee Elder (Harvard) What is a ‘direct’ image of a shadow?: A
history and epistemology of ‘directness’ in black hole imaging
4 July Tushar Menon (Cambridge) Singular terms and singular spacetimes

The seminar takes place on Tuesdays, 14:15-15:45 local Bonn time. As in the
last two semesters, the research seminar will be hybrid: people from Bonn
and the surrounding area are warmly invited to come to the main building of
the University, where the seminar will take place in seminar room 1.070 of
the Institute of Philosophy, also known as “the big seminar room”. The
other possibility is to join us via Zoom; links and weekly reminders are
announced via hpp at listen.uni-bonn.de. Subscribing to this list is possible
here: https://listen.uni-bonn.de/wws/info/hpp . The full schedule can be
also accessed through the group's website:
https://www.history-and-philosophy-of-physics.com/events.html .

all the best,
Juliusz Doboszewski
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