[spsp-members] Call for Manifestations of Interest - MSCA University of Verona

Massimiliano Badino massimiliano.badino at univr.it
Wed Apr 19 11:01:00 UTC 2023

Prof. Massimiliano Badino (Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona) encourages young and promising scholars to present expressions of interest to apply jointly with E.Th.o.S. Research Center (https://sites.dsu.univr.it/ethos/) for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA 2023 Call<https://marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/calls/msca-postdoctoral-fellowships-2023>).

A former MSCA grantee and mentor of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows, prof. Badino heads the E.Th.o.S. Research Center (Ethics and Technology of the Self), which is dedicated to a multidisciplinary analysis of the philosophical, cognitive, social, and cultural impact of new technology, in particular Artificial Intelligence. The Center is a vibrant and dynamic research environment and gathers experts from the philosophy of science, logic, moral philosophy, psychology, neurosciences, the history of science, and computer science.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action is a funding scheme that supports researchers’ mobility. Postdoctoral Fellowships may last 24-36 months, involving a research project, advanced training, and knowledge exchange at the host institution.

Two types of fellowships are available:
European Fellowships: They are open to researchers of any nationality and country who decide to come to the University of Verona for 12-24 months.
Global Fellowships: They are open to researchers of European nationality or long-term residents in Europe. The fellowship foresees a period of 12-24 months in an extra-European institution and a period of 12 months back at the University of Verona.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship offers a competitive salary, mobility, family allowances, and a budget for research and training costs; applicants are expected to have an excellent CV and a strong publication record.

Selected candidates will be offered academic and administrative support from the E.Th.o.S. Center and the University of Verona Grant Office to prepare and submit the proposal.

We welcome expressions of interest in the following research areas:
Philosophy of Computer Science
Ethics and epistemology of Artificial Intelligence
Rationality, belief, and new technology
Philosophy, neurosciences, and AI
Algorithmic bias and fairness
History and philosophy of computer science

Candidates must be eligible according to the criteria established by the 2023 MSCA Postdoctoral fellowship call:
To have a Ph.D. at the call deadline (13 September 2023)
To have up to 8 years of research experience after a PhD
To be citizens of an EU State or of an Associated Country or long-term residents in Europe (only for Global Fellowship)
Not to have resided or carried their main activity in Italy for more than 12 in the 36 months before the call deadline (13 September 2023) – for European Fellowship
Not to have resided or carried their main activity in the country of the Host Institution in the third country for more than 12 in the 36 months before the call deadline (13 September 2023) – for a Global Fellowship.
Besides, candidates will be fluent in English and will have excellent teamwork attitudes, organizational skills, and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment.

Candidates should send to the address massimiliano.badino at univr.it the following documents by June 30 2023:
A short CV including personal data (name, date of birth, present position, relevant publications)
A one-page research proposal.


Massimiliano Badino

Associate Professor of Logic & Philosophy of Science

University of Verona, Department of Human Sciences

Via San Francesco 22, 37129 Verona - Ita​ly
+39 045 8028459
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