[spsp-members] 2nd History & Philosophy of Physics in the Netherlands Workshop

Niels Martens martensniels at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 20:50:26 UTC 2024

The 2nd HPP-NL Workshop aims to gather all historians and philosophers of
physics based in the Netherlands (as well as anyone else who is
interested). The workshop will take place in Utrecht on the afternoon of
Monday the 8th of April 2024, and will feature three research
presentations: an international keynote by Elena Castellani (University of
Florence) as well as talks by an NL-based historian of physics (tba) and an
NL-based philosopher of physics (Enrico Cinti, University of Amsterdam).

For the schedule, registration link & further information, see

*NB: 1) My working hours may not be your working hours so please do not
feel obligated to reply outside your own normal work schedule; 2)
nmartens at uni-bonn.de <nmartens at uni-bonn.de> does not exist anymore, nor
will you get an error message when emailing it, so if you contacted me on
that address after 1 April 2023 your email will have gone into the void.*

*­­Dr Niels Martens <http://www.uu.nl/staff/NCMMartens>* | University
Lecturer | Utrecht University | Freudenthal Institute
<https://www.uu.nl/en/research/freudenthal-institute> | Descartes Centre
<https://www.uu.nl/descartes-centre> | Utrecht History & Philosophy of
Physics <https://uu.nl/hpp> | Utrecht Philosophy of Astronomy & Cosmology
(UPAC) <http://uu.nl/upac> | Philosophy Co-lead <https://www.ngeht.org/hpc>
of ngEHT Collaboration <https://www.ngeht.org/> | Buys Ballot Building, room
3.11 | Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht | n.c.m.martens at uu.nl

Utrecht HPS Master - The Movie <https://youtu.be/EpUNLCo6C8Q> | UPAC
Colloquium Schedule
  | UPAC Mailing List

New free access publications: "Big STEM collaborations should include
humanities and social science" <https://rdcu.be/djOXI>, "ngEHT Key Science
Goals white paper" <https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4434/11/3/61> & "Doing More
with Less: Dark Matter & Modified Gravity"
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