[spsp-members] 25 Sept (Wed): International Postdoc Forum for the Philosophy of Science

Alan Love aclove at umn.edu
Thu Sep 19 03:41:28 UTC 2024

*25 September 2024, 12:15pm CDT (UTC -5)*
*Facts about failure: reproduction, stability or self-production*
Kate Nave, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences,
University of Edinburgh

*Abstract*: Cognitive mechanisms are abstractions whose identification
depends on the precise phenomena we seek to explain. Pinning this down is
particularly difficult given the normative dimension of cognitive
phenomena, such as anticipation, memory, or action coordination, which
requires a distinction between failure and success. Natural selection’s
‘reproduction across generations’ is too narrow to supply functions for
novel capacities, but universal selection’s ‘robustness to perturbation’ is
both trivial & insufficiently determinate. Establishing facts about
failure, I argue, requires considering a third form of persistence: the
self-production by means of which an individual organism actively
reproduces its self over time.

*Commentator*: JP Gamboa, Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science,
University of Minnesota

The International Postdoc Forum for the Philosophy of Science
is organized by the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science
<https://cla.umn.edu/mcps> (MCPS). It showcases virtual research
presentations from international scholars with commentaries from local MCPS
community members. Presentations are by Zoom webinar. Please join our mailing
list <http://eepurl.com/dj3RlD>, email mcps at umn.edu, or go here
for a link to attend.
Alan C. Love
Winton Chair in the Liberal Arts
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Department of Philosophy & Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science
University of Minnesota

*New Publications: *Cellular Self-Maintenance Drives the Evolution of
Tissues and Organs <https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202408.1769.v1>
(preprint); The Paradox of Predictability Provides a Bridge Between Micro-
and Macroevolution <https://doi.org/10.1093/jeb/voae103> (open access)
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